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What does it mean when my order was cancelled for suspicion of fraud?Updated 8 months ago

As a business, we have measures in place to protect us from cases of fraud.

Our credit card/ debit card payments are processed through an automatic payment verification system where the order details you entered are compared to those registered to the payment card.

In any case where the system is unable to verify the details, it will automatically cancel the order. If you received the cancellation email due to suspicion of fraud, it probably meant that there were inconsistencies between your billing and shipping details ( this could be due to spelling inconsistencies, typing errors, missed spellings, or inserting the details of a different card ). Please make sure to carefully check these details before submitting a new order again or try using a different card or payment method. 

As he verification process is automated, we would not be able to let you know of the exact reason for this type of cancellation. 

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